Find the encouragement to be productive in the fashionable atmosphere provided by this Brown Cherry desk. The clean combination of looks and utility of this desk provide an attractive workspace for getting things done efficiently. This desk makes an alluring addition with its sought-after versatility and eye-catching looks.
Dimensions: Desk 66"W x 35"D x 31"H
Return 52"W x 19"D x 31"H
- Desk Kneehole area dimensions: -307: 27"w x 25"h x 20"d
- Total footprint dimensions: 66"w x 31"h x 82"d
- Return Kneehole area dimensions: -308: 25"w x 24"h x 16"d
Executive Desk - #7950
Door Bookcase - #7952
Combo File - #7949
Open Bookcase $779.95 - #7951